The School of Computer Studies and Technology envisions itself as a Center of Development in Information Technology Education before 2029, sustaining its commitment by producing faith-centered, competitive, and technically skilled students.
The school commits itself to holistically develop students' ICT computing skills and other stakeholders' professional competencies for their productive careers that will continuously contribute to the development of the country through technological leadership that is Dominican in orientation.
The School of Computer Studies and Technology is the arm of the Colegio that manages the courses BS Computer Science Specializing in Data Science and BS Information Technology. In response to the challenges of internationalization and the future of work, the department has graduates who are future-ready through the adoption of innovative andragogy and educational technology.
1. To provide students with quality programs in the fields of computing and information technology education that are in demand and responsive to the national and international industry needs.
2. To deliver relevant and quality computing and information technology curricular programs that promote the Colegio as one of the nationally/internationally recognized educational institutions.
3. To continually prepare and improve the administrators, faculty members, and staff to deliver quality instruction and support services that will effectively and efficiently contribute to the delivery of programs.
Three to five years after graduation, the BS Computer Science Specializing in Data Science alumni shall:
Three to five years after graduation, the BS Information Technology (BSIT) alumni shall: